The rights of cannabis users

Main Article Content

Carlos Alberto Zamudio Angles


This paper deals with the ruling issued last November 4th by the judges of the First Chamber of the Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacion by which, with four votes in favor and one in contracts, approved marijuana cultivation, transportation and the recreational consumption of it in favor of four members of the Mexican Society for Responsible and Tolerant Consumption (SMART, for the initials in Spanish), who in 2013 filed a legal petition against articles 235, 237, 245, 247 and 248 of the Act General Health where the use and any act related to narcotics is prohibited.

This opinion requires rethinking the interaction of government institutions with users, including the participation of human rights and prevention of discrimination organizations. Therefore, educational and health institutions must encourage the implementation of programs with perspective of risk and harm reduction for leaving behind the users of marijuana stigma and criminalization and give them the right to health. 

The future of the production, cultivation and use of marijuana legislation regarding is still uncertain, so the readers will find in the following lines a host of possible scenarios in relation to this social significance issue.

Article Details

How to Cite
Zamudio Angles, C. A. (2015). The rights of cannabis users. Revista métodhos, 1(9), 82–92. Retrieved from
Número 9
Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Zamudio Angles

Colectivo por una Política Integral hacia las Drogas (Cupihd)
Distrito Federal, México.

Investigador del Colectivo por una Política Integral hacia las Drogas (Cupihd); etnólogo y especialista en medicina social. Autor del libro Las redes del narcomenudeo y de varios artículos sobre usuarios de drogas ilícitas y mercados ilegales. Fue asesor del Informe especial. Drogas y derechos humanos en la ciudad de México 2012-2013, publicado por la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal. En 2008 fue ganador del premio Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, otorgado por el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia; y fue becario del Social Science Research Council en 2015.