Los estándares en torno al derecho a la información consular en México y Estados Unidos y la cuestión de la asistencia consular

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Sergio Méndez Lara


This paper analyzes, through the study of relevant judicial decisions, the current standards in Mexico and in the United States regarding the right to information on consular assistance embodied in Article 36.1.b of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Moreover, this paper shows the divergent legal rationale behind the decisions of the United States and the Mexican Supreme Courts on this issue. Finally, this paper argues that the Supreme Court of Mexico, through the draft opinion of Justice Arturo Zaldívar on the Florence Cassez case, confuses the right to information on consular assistance –an individual right– and the right of consular assistance –a right of the sending State– undermining the efforts to achieve unambiguous and reasonable standards that better protect foreign nationals in Mexico.

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How to Cite
Méndez Lara, S. (2012). Los estándares en torno al derecho a la información consular en México y Estados Unidos y la cuestión de la asistencia consular. Revista métodhos, 1(3), 6–30. Retrieved from https://revista-metodhos.cdhcm.org.mx/index.php/metodhos/article/view/24
Número 3
Author Biography

Sergio Méndez Lara

Miembro del Servicio Exterior Mexicano adscrito a la Embajada de México en Estados Unidos de América. Licenciado en derecho por la UNAM y especialista en derecho estadunidense, Universidad de Nuevo México.