Biocultural heritage, public policies and human rights: The case of the Sustainable Modernization of Traditional Agriculture Program in Mexico

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Francisco Xavier Martínez Esponda
Mariana Benítez Keinrad
Gisselle García Maning


Mexico is a megadiverse and pluricultural country; these two characteristics are interrelated so narrowly that it is convenient analyzing them under de perception of the human rights. The Mexican countryside represents a big bridge between the conservation of biodiversity and the millennial culture that represents Mexican people. The so-called biocultural heritage (PatBio) refers to the interpenetration between indigenous peoples / peasants and the natural resources, ecosystems and territories where they have settled through the centuries. A public policy that neither recognizes this PatBio nor favors its conservation is violating the human rights of the Mexican population and, more specifically of the indigenous people to the rights of self-determination, free, prior and informed consent, cultural identity, territory and access to resources traditionally managed.

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How to Cite
Martínez Esponda F. X., Benítez Keinrad M., & García Maning G. (2017). Biocultural heritage, public policies and human rights: The case of the Sustainable Modernization of Traditional Agriculture Program in Mexico. Revista métodhos, 1(13), 54–82. Retrieved from
Número 13
Author Biographies

Francisco Xavier Martínez Esponda

Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental, A. C.
Ciudad de México, México

Es licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Iberoamericana (2002-2006) y maestro en Ecología Tropical
por el Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales de la Universidad Veracruzana (2014). En la actualidad se
desempeña como director técnico operativo del Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental, A. C. (CEMDA).

Mariana Benítez Keinrad

Instituto de Ecología-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Ciudad de México, México

Es investigadora titular en el Instituto de Ecología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), en donde estudia diversos sistemas ecológicos y socioecológicos desde perspectivas teóricas y prácticas.

Gisselle García Maning

Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental, A. C.
Ciudad de México, México

Es licenciada en Derecho por la UNAM (2003-2008) y maestra en Derecho Ambiental por la Universitat
Rovira i Virgili en Tarragona, España. Actualmente es Experta Senior de la Oficina Golfo y Centro del