Mexican judges’ obligation to order the investigation of allegations of torture: judicial criteria and pending debates

Main Article Content

Gladys Fabiola Morales Ramírez


This paper aims to explore and analyze the criteria of Mexican federal courts in relation to the duty of judges to ordering ex officio investigation into allegations of torture expressed in judicial processes submitted to it; and the standards to be met by the investigation to ensure their effectiveness. In order to achieve the objective, this article begins with the presentation of the national and international legislation about torture. Then it continues with a reference of the contents and scope of the due diligence standard in investigation of torture cases; and immediately it starts the study of the criteria of Mexican federal courts about the obligation of judges of informally order the investigation of allegations of torture. Finally, the paper concludes with a reflection on the recent criteria of the federal courts on procedural effects of the breach of the judge’s informal obligations about the investigation regarding alleged acts of torture. 

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How to Cite
Morales Ramírez, G. F. (2015). Mexican judges’ obligation to order the investigation of allegations of torture: judicial criteria and pending debates. Revista métodhos, 1(9), 26–54. Retrieved from
Número 9
Author Biography

Gladys Fabiola Morales Ramírez

Clínica Jurídica Marisela Escobedo
Distrito Federal, México.

Maestra en Derecho con mención honorífica por la División de Estudios de Posgrado en Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, y abogada junior en la Clínica de Justicia y Género Marisela Escobedo de la UNAM. El presente artículo es producto de las experiencias y las actividades de litigio de interés público realizadas por la autora como abogada de la clínica jurídica Marisela Escobedo, bajo la coordinación del maestro Luis Alberto Muñoz López.