Violaciones a los derechos humanos de los mexicanos solicitantes de asilo en El Paso, Texas, y el sur de Nuevo México de enero de 2008 a junio de 2012

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Ramses Lyst


This essay offers a brief history of asylum in the United States and shows the existence of violations of access to justice and due process in the cases of Mexican petitioners for asylum in El Paso, Texas and southern New Mexico, committed by agents of the United States government. It begins with a description of the national and international laws that the US has signed that contain requirements that the agents have an obligation to comply with and continues with testimonials that consist of the stories of Mexican asylum seekers and descriptions of their experiences in the process of petitioning for asylum; and finishes with conclusions regarding various aspects of the asylum process that lend themselves to violations of the human rights of Mexican asylum seekers in El Paso, Texas and southern New Mexico.

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How to Cite
Lyst, R. (2013). Violaciones a los derechos humanos de los mexicanos solicitantes de asilo en El Paso, Texas, y el sur de Nuevo México de enero de 2008 a junio de 2012. Revista métodhos, 1(4), 79–107. Retrieved from
Número 4
Author Biography

Ramses Lyst

Maestra en derechos humanos y especialista en la defensa de derechos humanos de solicitantes de asilo.