Analysis of the public policy for the LGBTTTIQA+ population in Jalisco

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Carlos Regino Villalobos Espinosa


Public policies are actions implemented by government authorities on a particular issue; some of them focus on addressing specific public  problems of certain groups in vulnerable situations. In this paper we analyze the public policies implemented by the goverment of the state of Jalisco to guarantee the rights of the sexually diverse population. The result is a general descriptive overview of the current public policy for this population: for the Executive branch, the institutions, areas, programs, actions, and budget allocated to sectorized attention are outlined; for the Legislative branch, reform proposals, existing laws, and pending legislation are outlined; and branch of access to justice, the cases addressed and/or linked to process through the State Prosecutor’s Office are outlined. The result serves as a roadmap for activists, politicians, or legislators, involved in the defense of the human rights
of this population.

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How to Cite
Villalobos Espinosa, C. R. (2024). Analysis of the public policy for the LGBTTTIQA+ population in Jalisco. Revista métodhos, 1(26), 60–93. Retrieved from
Número 26
Author Biography

Carlos Regino Villalobos Espinosa, Universidad de Guadalajara

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, en Teología por la Universidad Pontificia de México y en Administración de Organizaciones por la Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG); maestro en Ciencia Política por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. Asesor político en la UdeG.