Decriminalization of abortion in Mexico. An insufficient measure to guarantee the right to decide for women

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Juana Patricia Nova Aranda


In October 7, 2021, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation issued a sentence in which the criminalization of women who decide to interrupt their pregnancy was established as unconstitutional, so with this sentence it obliges all mexican departments to change their local legislation, and decriminalize abortion, however, this article shows that the decriminalization of abortion is an insufficient measure to guarantee the reproductive and sexual rights of women, that it is necessary to create a public policy that allows access to this service at the highest attainable standard of health, and in this way to be able to ensure safe and free abortion within the Mexican Republic. 

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How to Cite
Nova Aranda, J. P. (2022). Decriminalization of abortion in Mexico. An insufficient measure to guarantee the right to decide for women. Revista métodhos, 1(23), 36–62. Retrieved from
Número 23
Author Biography

Juana Patricia Nova Aranda

Senado de la República.
Ciudad de México, México.

Maestra y licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Abogada feminista, defensora de derechos humanos. Fungió como subdirectora de área de la Unidad de Derechos Humanos de la Secretaría de Gobernación y actualmente es coordinadora técnica adscrita a la Tesorería del Senado de la República.