The cultural rights of people with disabilities in tourism

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Ingrith Gabriela Carreón Morales


This article aims to draw attention the need to move towards accessible tourism that enable the right to participation in cultural life, recreational activities and sports, without disability discrimination. The theme will be analyzed based on the contributions that the human rights approach has made to cultural rights issues; equality and non-discrimination; physical, economic and social accessibility; with the purpose of presenting ideas that guide the actions that would facilitate the enjoyment of this right in tourism. Some of the actions carried out in Mexico City will be addressed, as it is the fourth entity with the largest number of people with disabilities. Despite the efforts that human rights organizations have made to warn of the state's obligations to respect, protect, guarantee and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, efforts have been slow and a lack of comprehensive treatment of the issue still prevails, what do not avoid the persistent violation of rights.

Article Details

How to Cite
Carreón Morales, I. G. (2019). The cultural rights of people with disabilities in tourism. Revista métodhos, 1(17), 28–54. Retrieved from
Número 17
Author Biography

Ingrith Gabriela Carreón Morales

Incidencia Ciudadana y Desarrollo Social, Incide Social, A. C.,
Ciudad de México, México.

Es licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Fue colaboradora en el Centro de Investigación Aplicada en Derechos Humanos de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México. Asimismo, ha presentado diversas ponencias y participado en diversas publicaciones en los temas de derechos humanos, crecimiento urbano, violencias, entre otros. Actualmente trabaja en Iniciativa Ciudadana y Desarrollo Social, Incide Social, A. C., en el área de Desarrollo, Política Social y Derechos Humanos.