Access to higher education as a human right: comparison between Argentina and Mexico

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Josefina Patiño Salceda


The purpose of this article is to analyze access to higher education as a human right by comparing the Argentine and Mexican higher education system (HES). The scope of the human right to higher education is analyzed by means of the international regulatory framework and observations by United Nations special rapporteurs on the matter. Based on regulatory analysis and state conduct, both Argentina and Mexico have adopted the human right to higher education in their regulations, however, in practice, Mexico shows itself to face many challenges regarding the guarantee for this right under equal opportunity conditions. In 2014, it was seen that more than 70% of the higher education enrolment was formed by people who belonged to the two highest income quintiles, while less than 14% of the people were in the two lowest income quintiles. Both countries must heed observations made recently by United Nations committees in order to improve the guarantee for the human right to higher education. Nevertheless, Mexico is the country that should generate better conditions to enforce the enjoyment of this right.

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How to Cite
Patiño Salceda, J. (2018). Access to higher education as a human right: comparison between Argentina and Mexico. Revista métodhos, 1(15), 54–77. Retrieved from
Número 15
Author Biography

Josefina Patiño Salceda

Profesora investigadora de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Ciudad de México

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Realizó estancia posdoctoral en el Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Es candidata del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores y profesora investigadora de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Unidad 096. Ha realizado varios estudios sobre las políticas de posgrado en México.