Justice, social order and legal certainty

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Edher Arturo Castro Ortega


The idea of justice has been present in the history of humankind even though its definition is a difficult goal to reach out. In fact, justice and law have found an inseparable relationship. Therefore, within the different conceptions of law, justice is contemplated in one way or another, as well, while both are oriented to keep social order, it is also necessary to know what does it implies and thus approach a little more to the concept of justice.

Finally, while the law (law is aimed at sustaining order) creates a series of legal norms which, as a system, provide certainty for all citizens regarding the consequences of their actions; the so-called legal certainty.

Thus, in the study of any society, even those whose legal systems are less developed, you can see these three concepts: justice, social order and legal certainty, so they are subjects of study required to understand the way society and its legal system are founded.

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How to Cite
Castro Ortega, E. A. (2018). Justice, social order and legal certainty. Revista métodhos, 1(14), 55–76. Retrieved from https://revista-metodhos.cdhcm.org.mx/index.php/metodhos/article/view/106
Número 14
Author Biography

Edher Arturo Castro Ortega

Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal
Ciudad de México, México

Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, titulado con mención honorífica; y maestrando por la misma casa de estudios. Desde 2016 colabora en la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal. Ponente en la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, con el tema de los derechos humanos en la protección del patrimonio cultural.